
Our ministry/charitable goals: Is to provide a timely hand up to individuals and ministries who are generally self-sufficient and self-sustaining but find themselves facing an episodic need that if left unmet could lead to spiraling into a cycle of dependency. Timely intervention and support can make all the difference if done in a way that supports while preserving dignity and encouraging those being helped to be instrumental in their own solutions. A hand up- not a hand out.

People don’t care what you know until they know you care. We believe that our faith in Jesus inspires us to be His hands and feet meeting needs He brings before us. That may be prayer, taking the time to listen, networking with others who are equipped to help, and sometimes doing the work ourselves. Jesus didn’t minister by a formula and thus we expect to rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide us in meeting needs not expecting any two situations no matter how similar to be exactly alike.

Our hope to be afforded the opportunity to share the gospel as we come alongside people and demonstrate the love of God. We do ask that those we help be part of the solution to the degree they are able and that they help pay it forward when their situation allows. We may require they help in their own fundraising, attend financial management classes, or help with some of the physical labor, if able. We seek to build partnerships with other non-profits, governments, organizations, and businesses to meet needs. We do not desire to reinvent the wheel.

We prefer to come alongside another organization and help them meet a need where they are better equipped to do so. We desire to provide a means for others to give back to their community by providing vetted needs, project managing what is needed to meet the need, and providing a vehicle to give tax-deductible funds to meet those needs.

Some of the areas we have helped in the past and desire to continue to do so are:

– Limited scope home repair.
– Medical treatment costs
– Car Repair
– Emergency travel
– Combat Human Trafficking
– Bereavement/ Funeral cost
– Providing funds and/or equipment to help other ministries/non-profits better meet their ministry goals and help them create an environment that is more self-sustaining.